
Showing posts with the label introspection

Support - What does that look like?

To me, being supportive always meant showing up and showing out for those that I care about, those that I love. To me, receiving support always felt like tolerating how little someone who is supposed to care is actually doing to contribute a cause, while only truly offering judgement. Basically, I don't have support. I have an audience. The season that launched 2016 showed me wassup but 2020 taught me what's real. My family is disappointing. They always have been. They are the epitome of how I see the African American diaspora in totality.  Everyone has an idea of what oppression looks like, everyone has a judgment of how you chose/choose to face it. But no one has contributed; time, energy, or resources to your deliverance in actuality. In fact, often times the most eager judgements are assessed when there is an instance in which the variables are not clear. Even more so, instances where they lack the wherewithal or even experience to comprehend the parameters of the situation...